Rhetoric Level

Rhetoric Level
The Rhetoric Level typically spans the 10th-12th grade years, but there is diversity in the academic mastery of students. Some students may not be ready for Rhetoric Level curriculum. The curriculum is academically rigorous and challenging, designed for college preparation. Rhetoric aged students may take Logic level classes if that curriculum is better suited for their education level and goals. The following are Coram Deo’s core Rhetoric level classes offered on a three year cycle.

Science (with accompanying labs)

  1. Physics (must have completed Algebra 1)
  2. Chemistry
  3. Biology

Literature and History *

Book selections from Omnibus focusing in class on group discussion & other activities. Parents will be responsible for purchasing both the Omnibus textbook as well as purchasing the primary sources that will be used in the class.

  1. Omnibus 4 – Ancient History
  2. Omnibus 5 – Medieval History
  3. Omnibus 6 – Modern Times


Coram Deo uses the Excellence in Writing Curriculum. Most students, even if they are older students, will need at least one Logic Level writing class in order to excel at these advanced writing classes. It is imperative that they have a background using the Excellence in Writing Curriculum before moving on to this advanced curriculum as these classes assume mastery of earlier Excellence in Writing classes.

  1. Writing Research Papers
  2. Classical Rhetoric through Structure and Style: Writing Lessons Based on the Progymnasmata
  3. American History Based Writing Lessons (Vol 2)

*During the first three years of this cycle, Coram Deo uses Omnibus 1, 2, and 3 in both the Logic and Rhetoric Levels. Students need to have the background of Omnibus 1, 2, 3 before tackling Omnibus 4, 5, 6.  Coram Deo expects much more from the students in Rhetoric Level classes.