Homeschool Co-op

Co-ops unite the best parts of a traditional Christian school experience with the wonderful one-on-one instruction that comes through home-schooling. Learning is split into two sections: a Teaching Day and At-Home Days. Monday is our “in-class” Teaching Day. Tuesday through Friday are At-Home Days. This is similar to a college model where instruction happens via a class lecture, and the rest of the week students work on assignments for the class. The Teaching Day provides students with a typical classroom environment – sitting at desks, listening to a teacher, engaging with peers in healthy academic competition, and socializing with peers. This also provides parents with accountability and support. Parents can rely on the co-op to teach subjects they aren't confident to teach or do not have time to prioritize at home. Accountability comes in the form of ensuring students have access to the courses that are required by MI state law for graduation. During the rest of the week, students complete detailed assignments under the guidance of the parents who can provide their children specific, individualized instruction to best meet their needs. Coram Deo is not meant to be a “hands-off” program for the parents. The parental role is vital to student success. If you have any questions about what this looks like, please send us a message through the contact form.

What to know more?

Check out our student handbook!