Coram Deo Student Handbook
“Before the Face of God”
Mission Statement
The mission of Coram Deo Academics is to educate youth in a historic Christian worldview through a classical curriculum in the light of God and His holy Word. Coram Deo Academics encourages every student to develop a love for learning and to live up to his or her individual academic potential, supporting the development of each student’s life in Christ while respecting the primary discipleship and educational role that belongs to the family.
Coram Deo Academics provides tutorial and academic support services to home-schooling families. Coram Deo Academics is not a school, but collaborates with parents and/or guardians who are committed to their biblically-ordained role as the primary instructors of their children.
“You shall therefore lay up these words of mine in your heart and in your soul… You shall teach them to your children, talking of them when you are sitting in your house, and when you are walking by the way, and when you lie down, and when you rise.” – Deuteronomy 11:18a – 19 ESV
Statement of Faith
- We believe the Bible to be the inspired, infallible, authoritative Word of God.
- We believe that there is one God, eternally existent in three persons: Father, Son and Holy Spirit.
- We believe in the deity of our Lord Jesus Christ, in His virgin birth, in His sinless life, in His miracles, in His substitutionary and atoning death through His shed blood, in His bodily resurrection, in His ascension to the right hand of the Father, and in His personal return in power and glory.
- We believe that regeneration by the Holy Spirit is absolutely essential for the salvation of lost and sinful people.
- We believe in the present ministry of the Holy Spirit, by whose indwelling the Christian is enabled to live a godly life.
- We believe in the resurrection of both the saved and the lost; they that are saved unto the resurrection of life and they that are lost unto the resurrection of damnation.
- We believe in the spiritual unity of believers in our Lord Jesus Christ.
Coram Deo Academics recognizes this Policy Manual and Student-Parent Handbook does not specifically address all issues or circumstances that may arise through the activities of Coram Deo Academics. In case of differences in interpretation, Coram Deo Academics administrators will render decisions that are lawful, fair and in the best interests of Coram Deo Academics. Coram Deo Academics reserves the right to change policies and procedures at any time without notice. This handbook does not constitute a contract between Coram Deo Academics and the student/parent, nor does it provide any warranty, express or implied, and Coram Deo Academics reserves the right at its discretion to change or amend the handbook at any time in the future.
Coram Deo Academics intends to admit students from families of parents professing Christian belief, and who desire a Christian education, support the Coram Deo Academics approach, and agree to abide by the code of conduct.
Coram Deo Academics reserves the right to refuse admission or re-enrollment for reasons it deems sufficient.
A student enrolled in Coram Deo Academics is expected to be present and on time in class(es) every day the Academics is in session. The actual number of days the Academics is in session will be determined by the Perry public school calendar. Students are also expected to attend and complete all requirements for every course offered. Owing to the limited number of in- class days, it is vitally important to each student’s progress to attend each class day and period. Please use the ample time in the non-class days to schedule personal activities (i.e., dentists, etc.).
- Short-Term Absences: If a student needs to be absent from class(es) for a day, for any reason, the parents should contact the teacher(s) by email or phone as soon as possible.
- Long-Term Absences: If a student needs to be absent for two or more consecutive Mondays, the parents should notify both the teacher (s) and the Academics in writing explaining the circumstances. This will permit the appropriate teacher(s) to compile the necessary schoolwork, which the student would otherwise miss. Notification should be made as soon as possible to limit the amount of missed schoolwork.
- Extended Absences: We will cooperate with families taking their children from classes for family or other non-illness reasons. However, when extended absences are voluntary (versus emergency or illness) we expect all schoolwork to be completed. We recommend that prior to any planned, extended absence, the student’s work ahead as much as possible. This eliminates both the need to work on vacation or doing a significant amount of make-up work.
- Maximum Absences: If the total number of absences exceeds six Mondays for the year, the student may not receive credit for that time period, at the discretion of the teacher(s).
- Tardiness to class may result in disciplinary action to be determined by the teacher or administration. Repeated tardiness may result in a penalty or discipline (including disenrollment) that will impact the semester grade (see Grade Assessment) in a given class.
Arrival and Dismissal
Upon arrival, parents must properly check-in students near the entrance. Parents are not allowed to merely drop students at the door.
Parent are to bring their children to the opening class no more than 15 minutes prior to the scheduled start time. Coram Deo Academics is not responsible for students dropped off for class more than 15 minutes before the scheduled start time.
Parents must escort younger children to their first class. Older children must also go to their first class as soon as they arrive. No loitering allowed in the hallways.
Children will only be released to persons listed on the registration form.
Basic Rules
The following list of Academics rules are those essential policies to which we require all our students to be adhere:
- Students are expected to cooperate with basic Christian standards of behavior and conversation.
- There should be no talking back or arguing with teachers or staff. Prompt and cheerful obedience is expected. Requests from the teacher should not have to be repeated.
- No chewing gum, electronic music devices, guns, knives or weapons of any kind are allowed on the campus grounds, or at Coram Deo Academics sponsored events.
- No food or beverages allowed in classes, excepting bottles of water with lids. Individual instructors have the authority to limit this privilege.
- Students are expected to be aware of and avoid the off-limits areas of the building or grounds. Rooms clearly marked for Coram Deo use, bathrooms, and playgrounds may all be used. Hallways are for going to and from classes. All other areas of the building should be treated as off-limits.
- Teachers and students are to remember that other organizations are using the facility, so sound levels should be kept to a minimum in the common areas of the building.
- The building at which the Academics meets is being offered graciously by a church, and students are expected to treat all of the church’s materials or facilities with respect and care. This includes Academics-owned curriculum that may distributed to the students. Students may be charged for any damage to the church’s property that is attributable to their actions.
- Students may not express any physical display of affection on campus during class hours or at any Coram Deo Academics sponsored event.
- Students are expected to maintain decorum appropriate to their age at all times upon entering the facility.
Closed Campus
The Coram Deo Academics campus is a closed campus. All visitors, including parents, must check-in with Academics administrators. We encourage volunteer helpers and lunch visits, and parents/guardians may attend classes along with their children.
Students are not allowed to leave the campus unless administrators on duty (Principal, Registrar, or other Board members) are given authorization by parents.
Code of Conduct
There are five basic behaviors that may automatically necessitate discipline from the administration. Those behaviors are:
1. Disrespect shown to any staff member. The staff member will be the judge of whether or not disrespect has been shown.
2. Dishonesty in any situation while at Coram Deo Academics, including lying, cheating, and stealing.
3. Rebellion, i.e,. outright disobedience in response to instructions.
4. Fighting, i.e., striking in anger with the intention to harm the other student(s).
5. Obscene, vulgar or profane language, as well as taking the name of the Lord in vain.
The kind and amount of discipline (correction) will be determined by the teachers, directors and if necessary, the Headmaster. The discipline will be administered in the light of the student’s problem and attitude. All discipline will be based on biblical principles, e.g. restitution, apologies, (public and private), restoration of fellowship, no lingering attitudes, etc. The vast majority of discipline problems are to be dealt with at the classroom level. Love and forgiveness will be an integral part of the discipline of a student. Parents and students must act in a godly, respectful manner toward students and instructors. The Word of God as found in the scriptures of the Old and New Testaments and especially the Ten Commandments are the standard used to evaluate conduct.
Violation of this Parent-Student Handbook may result in disciplinary action. Forgiveness and restitution are fundamental to our total discipline policy. However, should a student and his parents not be able to eliminate behavioral problems the student may need to leave the Academics. The following actions may be taken:
Action Notice: A notice is sent home for a parent signature. Offenses typical to issuance of an action notice include, but are not limited to; uniform violations, missing homework, tardiness and minor classroom disturbances.
Office Visits: During the visit with an administrator, the administrator will determine the nature of the discipline. The administrator may require restitution, parental attendance during classes, or other measures consistent with biblical guidelines, which may be appropriate. If a student receives discipline from an administrator, the following may be observed.
- The first two times a student is sent to an administrator for discipline the student’s parents will be contacted and given the details of the visit. The parents’ assistance and support in averting further problems will be sought.
- The third visit will be followed by a meeting with the student’s parents and the administration.
- After a fourth visit, a suspension may be imposed.
- After returning from suspension the student may be placed on disciplinary probation
- If a fifth office visit is required, the student may be required to withdraw or be expelled from the Academics.
- Suspension: Coram Deo Academics may suspend a student from classes at the discretion of the Headmaster or a Coram Deo Academics director in an emergency. There will be no refund of funds in the event of suspension, withdrawal, or expulsion.
- Withdrawal: Parents may be required to remove their student from classes and interview for readmission with administration if deemed necessary by Coram Deo Academics. Parents may be required permanently to withdraw a student from Coram Deo Academics.
- Expulsion: Expulsion from Coram Deo Academics will be at the discretion of the Coram Deo Academics board upon recommendation by the Headmaster. The Coram Deo Academics Board realizes that expelling a student is a very serious matter and should always be carefully dealt with on a case-by-case basis.
- Immediate Action for Serious Misconduct: Should a student commit an act with such serious consequences that an administrator deems it necessary, the office-visit process may be bypassed and suspension or expulsion imposed immediately. Examples of such serious misconduct could include:
- Acts endangering the lives of other students or staff members
- Gross violence/vandalism to the facilities
- Violations of or the intent of violation of a civil law
- Any act in clear contradiction of scriptural commands
- The administration is authorized to enforce all disciplinary actions, including but not limited to suspensions, the readmission process and expulsions. Appeal of any decision should be made first to the Headmaster and if necessary to the Coram Deo Academics Board. All decisions of the Board are final.
Dress Code
Coram Deo Academics is a workplace for students as well as for teachers. Students should dress in a way to demonstrate their respect for the Academics. Therefore, students shall:
- Dress neatly
- Shoes tied
- No holes/tears in clothes
- Clothing appropriately sized for the wearer (leggings and other skin-tight pants are not allowed)
- Hair should be washed, combed and neatly trimmed.
- Hair should be pulled back in lab situations.
- Facial hair must be neatly trimmed, cleaned and combed.
- Be modest. That is, no short skirts or shorts. Distracting clothing, jewelry, or appearance will not be allowed.
- Skirts or dresses should be no shorter than the knee while standing or sitting.
- Visible waistlines (that is, not covered by shirts) of pants, skirts, dresses, etc. can sit no lower than the natural waistline of the student. No bare midriffs are allowed.
- Shirts and all other clothing should fit properly, not too tight.
- The Coram Deo Academics shirts shall be worn at all times while students are in attendance, except as directed by a teacher.
The Director, or in his/her absence, his/her designee on campus shall have complete discretion to determine whether any of the foregoing or other Coram Deo Academics dress code requirements and expectations are met or how they may be remedied if violated. Any student not in compliance will be sent home or the parent contacted.
Grade assessment and reporting
Coram Deo Academics educates with attention given to precision in both presentation and evaluation. As such, we seek to grade fairly and report student achievement accurately and uniformly. Coram Deo Academics bases grades on objective standards and reports grades periodically. Grades are based primarily on the following: tests, quizzes, homework, and class participation. The precise weighting of each component may differ from class to class. Coram Deo Academics encourages students to explore additional elements of learning beyond the prescribed coursework boundaries, and we enthusiastically welcome additional work that our students perform. Instructors have the liberty and are encouraged to recognize this additional effort in various and creative ways. However, the student’s grades and academic pointing systems must accurately and honestly reflect their mastery of the prescribed coursework.
However, because the purpose of Coram Deo Academics is to provide support tutorial services for home-schooled students, the final grades are to be determined by the parents or guardians. The grades given by teachers at Coram Deo Academics are assessments given by teachers to the parents as a summary of the teacher’s evaluation of performance in the class, and are not intended to supplant the final decisions of the parents or guardians.
Health Requirements
Before the administration will issue any medication to a student, we must receive written parental permission. This form is available upon request from the administrative offices. In order to facilitate the general dispensing of non-prescription medicine (e.g. Tylenol and Tums), we have a form available for parents to grant a year’s general permission to the administration to issue non-prescription medicines to their student(s). This form will be kept in the student’s file. No prescription medicines will be dispensed without written parental permission. Prescription medications must be brought to class in their original containers. The student’s name and dosage requirements must be clearly labeled on the container. The parent should send permission to give this medication for the duration of treatment.
Certain guidelines have been set up for the protection of all students, and parents will be notified to take their child home for the following reasons. Students exhibiting these symptoms should be kept home from classes for their well being and to prevent the spread of communicable diseases in the community. If a student develops these symptoms during a class day, parents will be notified to take their student home:
- Running a fever over 100.5
- Suspected contagious disease (including head lice)
- Vomiting or diarrhea
- Severe stomachache
- Headache or earache
- Inability to remain in class owing to illness or injury
Non-discrimination policy
Coram Deo Academics admits students of any race, color, and national, or ethnic origin to all the rights, privileges, programs, and activities generally accorded or made available to students and does not discriminate on the basis of race, color, and national or ethnic origin in administration of our educational policies, admissions policies, and athletic and other Academics- administered programs. Pursuant to applicable federal and state laws, Coram Deo Academics may discriminate on the basis of religion with respect to students who, in the determination of Coram Deo Academics, possess and exemplify a religion or religious belief philosophy that is a harmful deviation in the belief system of and detrimental to the interests of the Coram Deo Academics. Coram Deo Academics also reserves the right not to continue enrollment or not to re-enroll a student if Coram Deo Academics administration reasonably concludes that the actions of a parent/guardian make such a positive and constructive relationship impossible or otherwise seriously interferes with Coram Deo Academics’s missions.
Parent Involvement
As a support to the family unit, Coram Deo Academics considers the family to be of first importance to a child. The Bible indicates that the family is an important human institution God designed, since He compares it to the relationship believers have with Christ and the Father. Due to the nature of our parent-partnering schedule, Coram Deo Academics requires a level of parental involvement that goes well beyond any traditional school.
Below are just a few of the ways parents are involved. Please feel free to ask if you would like to try additional ideas.
- You remain a primary teacher of your child(ren).
- Be a classroom assistant teacher.
- It is expected that parents/guardians will give volunteer hours in needed areas.
Class calendar
The Coram Deo Academics calendar will generally mirror that of the Perry Public Schools, with some exceptions. A calendar will be posted each school year. If Perry schools are closed for snow or other acts of God, Coram Deo Academics will also remain closed. The above notwithstanding, Coram Deo Academics reserves the right to alter this schedule for its own purposes.
Study Hall
One of the classrooms will be set aside as a study hall. Transitions, Logic, and Rhetoric students must go to this room during the periods they do not have a class.
The Study Hall is a quiet room, with very minimal talking allowed, and only so as not to be disruptive to others. Study Hall will generally be under the supervision of an adult teacher or volunteer.
Grammar level students must be accompanies by a parent in the building during the periods they do not have a class.
Tuition and fees
Fees for the academic year can be found on the Coram Deo website. Payment is expected upon registration, but terms may be available as arranged by the family.
Cost of books and other materials required by teachers is an extra fee to be paid by the family. In the event that Coram Deo Academics obtains such materials for the students, parents will reimburse the Academics.
Grades, testing results, transcripts or other records of Coram Deo Academics students may not be released if amounts owed are not paid in full. Any other special charges of Coram Deo Academics must be paid separately, and non-payment of such fees may also result in grades, testing results, transcripts or other records being withheld, and participation in any extracurricular activities may be suspended or prohibited until such balances are paid in full.
School Closings
Coram Deo Academics will close if the Perry Public Schools are closed for severe weather conditions. Occasionally, Coram Deo will also be canceled for health reasons. Only Board members are authorized to formally decide school closings.
Administrators will notify families by email, phone, or social media. If you believe the travel conditions from where you live are hazardous, we encourage you to stay home. No student will be penalized academically for missing classes on a day when travel conditions could have been reasonably deemed hazardous.
Parent acknowledgment
By the enrollment of my child in Coram Deo Academics, I acknowledge that I have reviewed the Student-Parent Handbook. I understand that Coram Deo Academics is committed to providing a historic Christian worldview education in a Christ-like environment, and that I and my enrolled child(ren) are subject to the policies of Coram Deo Academics..