Register Your Family Step 1 of 3 33% Coram Deo is a volunteer- run, non-profit organization. As such, all parents are required to volunteer or teach. If you do not fulfill your required volunteer obligations, you will be required to make up your hours. If you do not make up your hours, you will not be in "good standing" and may not be allowed to register your children for classes during the next year. It's time to register your family! On this page, you'll give us your family's general info. After this page, you'll choose your volunteer responsibility. You'll then gain access to the student registration area.Parent or Guardian Name* First Last Primary Phone*Email Address* Your Spouse's Name (if married) First Last Your Spouse's Primary PhoneYour Address* Street Address Address Line 2 City State / Province / Region ZIP / Postal Code Do we have your permission to publish your contact information in the Coram Deo Directory?* Yup, go for it! No, keep my information private. Name of an Emergency Contact for children in your family* First Last Phone number where Emergency Contact can be reached*Relationship of Emergency Contact to your child/children*Have you read and do you agree to the Coram Deo Handbook and the Parent Contract?* Yes, I have read and agree with these. (If needed, you can review the updated *Coram Deo Handbook and the *Parent Contract.) Please Note: This year Coram Deo will not be purchasing textbooks for families. We are providing a class book and supply list here. Many courses this year have a $0 fee, but they still have required books you must purchase for your student. Please be sure you have purchased all of the correct books and supplies required for the classes your students are taking. If you neglect to do this, your child will be dismissed from class.* Yes, I understand I'm required to purchase the required books for my child for the classes they are registered for. Parent/Guardian Volunteer Jobs: Please choose ONE option below. Place a "1" in the box to indicate what job you would like to volunteer for. We will do our best to accommodate your preference, but you are not guaranteed to get the job you request.Opt out of responsibility ($600 fee will be assessed and is by board approval only) Quantity Price: $600.00 Quantity First Semester Morning "Floater" (8:45am-12:45pm) Quantity Price: $0.00 Quantity First Semester Afternoon "Floater" (11:45am-3:45pm) Quantity Price: $0.00 Quantity Second Semester Morning "Floater" (8:45am-12:45pm) Quantity Price: $0.00 Quantity Second Semester Afternoon "Floater" (11:45am-3:45pm) Quantity Price: $0.00 Quantity First Semester Morning Pre-School Assistant (8:45am-12:45pm) Quantity Price: $0.00 Quantity First Semester Afternoon Pre-School Lead Teacher (11:45-3:45) Quantity Price: $0.00 Quantity First Semester Afternoon Pre-School Assistant (11:45am-3:45pm) Quantity Price: $0.00 Quantity Second Semester Morning Pre-School Assistant (8:45am-12:45pm) Quantity Price: $0.00 Quantity Second Semester Afternoon Pre-School Lead Teacher (11:45-3:45) Quantity Price: $0.00 Quantity Second Semester Afternoon Pre-School Assistant (11:45am-3:45pm) Quantity Price: $0.00 Quantity I am a teacher OR I have been contacted by a board member and asked to complete a specific job responsibility (please indicate in comment box below). Quantity Price: $0.00 Quantity Questions or Comments?I signed up for one of the above volunteer positions. I understand that if I neglected to do so, one will be assigned to me.* Yes, I understand. Now it's time to register your students. Click submit and you'll be redirected to a page to redirect where you can begin this process. Δ .